Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dreams Are Like Stars

People constantly wish upon shooting stars that fly through the night sky.  This is a tradition that many practiced long ago and it is still going strong today.  One could relate stars to a multitude of things.  I choose to compare them to the dreams that sparkle in the hearts of children of all ages.  To me it is something that can grant the strength and hope that I need to attempt to accomplish their dream.

Photo courtesy of dipity.com
In this picture, we see a shooting star streaking across a beautiful night sky with other stars in the sky shining brightly and looking down upon the earth.  These stars could represent the other dreams that have yet to be fulfilled.  Or one could compare them to dreams that have already been fulfilled.  Either way, stars in the sky can and do give people hope on their journey to accomplish their dreams.

As most children do, I used to always be on the lookout for shooting stars in the sky around where I live.  It is quite bright where I live, even at night, so seeing shooting stars is a rare occurrence.  I have only ever seen one but I don’t really remember what I wished for at that time.  Seeing one star was all I needed to give me hope.

I did wish for a dream to come true one day, though not on a shooting star.  Even without the help of one, I have accomplished a dream of mine.  And that dream was to become a cast member in the entertainment department at the Walt Disney World resort.

This job, while being just a job to many that work there, is more than that to me.  It is a "role," as Disney describes it, in which I get to make dreams for others come true.  Whether that dream is to meet a favorite character or just to make a special memory that resonates with that guest that they will always remember.  My dream was fulfilled when I got into entertainment, so now I get to make other dreams come true. 

My dream now is to empower others with the courage to follow their dreams.


  1. it's great when dreams come true.

  2. I really enjoy how your post offers hope and that waiting for something(a shooting star)isn't always necessary. Sometimes you just have to keep wishing, even when you don't see what you want right away.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How true it is when Jiminy Cricket sings about, "When you wish upon a star," in Pinocchio. The common belief of wishing on shooting stars, like the one in your picture, over stationary stars just enhances the effect.
    From the dealings that I have had with Disney in preparation for my time in the Disney College Program, they can't say it enough that creating the dream for others is what you are there to do. Also keeping in mind that it is all about 'the mouse' is another point they hit on. I'm really hoping that after I have the opportunity to help others with their dreams at Disney, that I can have my dream of a good job offer come true.
