Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Once Upon A Time...

Alright, so I know this is intended to be a class blog but some people have commented on earlier posts about either being in the program or going to be in the program.  So while this is a class blog, I do hope to be able to update the blog with my adventures that I had last year without it having to be an assignment.  So, naturally, I will begin where all fairy tales begin...

Once Upon A Time... (aka Chapter 1...corny title, ain't it?)

It all started when I stumbled upon the official Disney College Program website back in the Fall of 2008.  I slowly began to get more and more interested into the program the more research I did about it.  Upon further inspection of the roles found on the website I found out about the entertainment department and immediately had a voice say to me, "this is what you want to do."  So, on a whim, I continued research about it.

Some of the roles from the website:

Attractions, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess, Concierge, Character Attendant, Custodial, Full Service Food and Beverage (FSFB), Hospitality, Housekeeping, Lifeguard, Main Entrance Operations, Merchandise, Photopass Photographer, Quick-Service Food and Beverage (QSFB), and the backstage role of Costuming.

There is also culinary positions available and of course the entertainment role of Character Performer.

Note: I will be mainly focusing on the performer role for this blog as I do not have any experience in the other mentioned roles.  If you click the links, they will take you to the respective roles pages where you can go over the responsibilities of each role.

Note to anyone interested in entertainment: If you go to an audition, they will have your application on hold.  While waiting for the audition date to actually come up, other roles will begin filling up.  So if you do not pass the audition, there may still be back up roles that you choose when you do the interview.  If none of the back up roles you selected are available or there are no roles left to be filled, you will probably be denied entrance to the program.  So choose wisely.

I felt rather lost at first in terms of what direction I was supposed to go.  The applications weren't up at the time so I had a while to wait still.  This lost feeling led me to a group on Facebook* dedicated to the specific time period, Fall Advantage 2009, that I hoped to do.  I began to interact with some people on there through AIM chats that happened regularly.  Over time I made some friends (about 12-15 of us) and we bonded through chatting on AIM as well as through skype.

After bonding and getting to know each other, we all waited until the applications and e-presentations came up.  (I'll describe these to those that are unfamiliar in future posts.)  I think they came up sometime shortly after the beginning of the year near the beginning of Spring.  After they came up, we all rushed to view the online presentation and get an interview set up with a recruiter over the phone.

The interviews took place sometime during the Spring semester.  Recruiters basically ask you some questions tailored to each role that you requested during the application process.  It's a pretty laid back interview since it is over the phone, but I was still shaking for mine.  Since I was going for a role in entertainment, the recruiter had me choose a date and location for my audition (listed on this page, these dates get deleted as the audition season comes to a close so the page may not provide any) and I chose the one for Chicago, IL.

So after this, I had a few weeks to prepare for my audition in Chicago, IL...

*I recommend if you are going to apply for the program to find the appropriate group on Facebook.  If one is not created, you should create one.  This is a nice central hub to make some friends that you can stay in touch with and possibly meet up with if you are all accepted into the program.  I will explain the differences between the different groups (ex. Fall Advantage from Fall) in a future post.

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