Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Words of Wisdom Wednesdays

While most people would rather post pictures today and let the reader become inspired by those, I would rather use quotes.  Quotes have always been something that inspires me to keep going even through impossible circumstances.  Quotes may also be interpreted in any way that the reader sees fit. 

One such quote that I always found inspiring is this one:

"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long there is imagination left in the world." – Walter Elias Disney

While in this case Walt Disney is specifically talking about Disneyland, the underlying message is about how all it takes is one’s imagination to keep things growing and expanding.  Imagination is a powerful asset to everyone in the world.  It is a drive that keeps us going toward our goals, hopes, and dreams.

Not everyone chooses to embrace the imagination that they hold but for those that do, they can become inspired at a very young age.  When I attended elementary school, with every chance we got to write, I wrote fictional based stories.  So even at a very young age, I used my imagination.

This is hardly surprising, though.  Most every child uses their imagination.  Whether they pretend to be a pirate or a hero, the evidence of imagination is apparent.  As we grow older, however, we tend to lose that imagination in the rush that is adulthood.

This quote by Walt Disney should be inspiring to those that have begun to lose their imagination and should convince them to retake their imagination and embrace it.  When you have an imagination, it is far easier to feel like a child once more.  This feeling is something that adults continue to wish they could embrace.  

The constant phrase, “I wish I was a kid again” comes to mind.  While you cannot be a kid again, you certainly can feel like one.  All it takes is a little courage to pursue that little feeling your inner child gets and overcome the “adult complex” to once again feel like a kid again.

Imagination is powerful.

If you liked the quote above, feel free to check visit this website and look around for more inspiring quotes.


  1. Imagination is truly a remarkable thing. I'm glad you posted this quote. Your enthusiasm makes me definitely add Disneyland to my list of places to visit.

  2. I really think old Walt turns in his grave to see what has become of Disney. That being said it's fascinating to see just how far he anticipated the organizations reaches. I guess in a way I'm kind of glad that Walt didn't become ruler of the world, even though his efforts are pretty interesting.

    The lasting legacy of Disney's attempt at a future Utopia are the entertaining amusement park and the entertaining characters which delight millions.
