Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Helpful Tips

If you are headed down to Florida (or California) in the near future to participate on the Disney College Program, congratulations!

I know it may seem overwhelming right now as you are preparing, but try to keep calm and go over everything in your mind.  By following some the following tips, I hope you are able to be stress free both before the program and during.

  • Create your own checklist.
    • I recommend creating your own checklist of what you think you will need.  Try not to pack too much, though, if you are flying.  (Gotta keep that cost for luggage down!)  There is a list on the Disney College Program website that lists what you will need (some of it obviously optional) as you pack for the journey of a lifetime.  I recommend waiting until you get to Florida/California before buying most if it.  There are buses to and from Walmart (or you can drive, of course).
      • Set of linens and bedding (beds are twin size and rather uncomfortable; I recommend getting a foam mattress pad)
      • TV, VCR, DVD player and a coaxial cable
      • Stereo (small)
      • Toaster
      • Coffee Maker
      • Phone card
      • Answering machine
      • Cordless phone (The phone provided in the apartment has a cord.)
      • Cell phone (Check with your current provider for coverage information.)
      • Alarm clock
      • Beach towel, suntan lotion and/or sunscreen
      • Camera and media storage cards or film
      • Casual clothing
      • Professional clothing (Please refer to the Disney Look Guidelines for assistance.)
      • Sweater or jacket
      • Dress shoes
      • Combination lock for the locker in your bedroom
      • Computer with Ethernet card
      • Original employment eligibility documents
      • Cosmetics and toiletries
      • Credit card and traveler’s checks (if available)
      • Health insurance information
      • Personal medications, including prescription drugs, if needed
      • Writing paper, envelopes and pens
      • Renter's Insurance Information
  • If you are able, bring your own car. It makes traveling so much easier.
    • Otherwise, they do provide buses from the complexes you will be living at to all work locations.  There are several buses and sometimes they can be quite full.  Sometimes even so full you will have to take the next bus.  If you work at Epcot, after your shift be ready to wait a while as this location has many employees.  The buses run for all locations at around two or three throughout every hour.  You'll get a schedule of the buses on day one.  Make sure to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the the bus is scheduled to arrive as they do leave early sometimes.
  • Pay attention on day one!
    • There are buses that will take you from location to location but you are able to drive to the places yourself.  I recommend taking the buses if you are not so adventurous.  My friends and I got lucky finding the casting building we were supposed to go to.  
  • Find roommates beforehand.
    • Go on Facebook and find the group that relates to the season in which you are going to be arriving at Disney.  (For instance here is the group for Spring 2011.)  This will provide you with a lot more information than I could possibly give you on this blog as well as many people's opinions of the program overall.  Find or create a roommate thread and try to form a close group of friends who you could be roommates with. (There are one bedroom apartments up to three bedroom apartments; two people in each room.)
  • Amenities are included.
    • This includes wireless internet, but you do need a router to connect to it! 
  • You cannot enter the parks until after you go to this class called, Traditions!  
    • This is on day two.  A semi-formal attire is required.  So men, bring a tie and slacks. Women, a nice dress.
  • Keep within Disney Look Guidelines.
    • This is very important, as managers are allowed to send you home from work if your hair is too long or does not follow the guidelines.
      • There are places to get a cheap haircut backstage at the different park locations.
    • Also make sure to keep your costumes you get from costuming (locations will be explained to you throughout training) clean and tidy.  Make sure to follow the guidelines for costumed men and guidelines for costumed women explained on the Disney Look Guideline page. 
  • Get College Credit!
    • If you are doing the program, it is more than likely you are able to get credit in your department for doing this internship.  It varies by department what they may have you do to get credit, but make sure to ask your advisor.
    • There are also some classes that can earn you college credit.
      • I recommend taking some classes or doing one of their exploration series classes.  These classes can definitely help you in your ascent into the Disney company and overall they help ready you for a future career.
That's about it for now, I'll keep coming back and updating this post with anything else I may find beneficial.  If you have any questions let me know.  Make sure you check the Disney College Program website first.  Just go through the tour of the complete website in the student section and you are sure to find your answer.  If not, though, I'm here to give an answer to the best of my knowledge.

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