Thursday, September 30, 2010

About My Pixie Dusted Blog

This blog isn’t the first blog I have done.  I attempted to do one when I was on the college program.  Due to how much time one works at Disney, though, there really isn’t much time to write about your thoughts and about what is going on.  I’ve started this blog not only for my college course but to kind of redeem myself for my lack of updating on my older blog that got a total of one post. 

The Disney College Program did not only provide a Disney fan like me a lot of fun, but experience away from home as well as valuable work experience with a top corporation in the industry.  Plus the money making part of this program wasn’t have bad either.

Growing up, I always liked watching the Disney channel with the actual cartoon shows they used to have on.  I loved everything about the Disney experience.  Unfortunately, I never got to visit the parks as a child but the program offered that first experience for me.  And because of that experience I am now inspired to start this blog.

By posting my memories here of what happened from day 1 until the day I left Disney in January, I hope I can inspire others to see the fun I had and attempt the Disney College Program if they are interested in Disney.  Heck, even if you aren’t interested in Disney, I hope I can inspire you to also attempt the Disney College Program.

To find out more about the program, visit the official Disney College Program webpage and take a look around.  If this seems like something you may want to do, be sure to talk with your advisor about getting credit for it.


  1. Wow, what an exciting experience! Disney World is such an amazing and magical place, I can only imagine what it was like to be a part of it and be "behind the scene". I can't wait to read more!

  2. I am a huge fan of disney! I can't wait to read more about your blog.

  3. I too was on the Disney College Program while you were there. However, mine was from August 2009 to May 2010. I'm interested to see if your experiences in Entertainment were anything like mine were in Attractions and QSR. It was a ton of fun either way!

  4. I haven't been to either park but you showcase it as being a lot of fun!
