Saturday, November 6, 2010

Accepted or Rejected?

Chapter 3

After the audition, there was a tremendous amount of waiting. Naturally I was nervous but after about two to three weeks and trying to keep my mind off of the impending acceptance/rejection email, it came. I nervously opened the email and read the first line:

"Congratulations! You have been selected to participate as a Character Performer Cast Member on the Disney College Program in the Fall Advantage 2009 Season."

I nearly fell out of my chair from excitement. The feeling I had at that moment was indescribable. Here I was reading an email telling me essentially that my dream had come true. Sure a long road was ahead of me full of many mountainous climbs, but I definitely felt accomplished. I couldn't wait.

I shared the news with my fellow group, all who got into the program as well. And thus from that point on we embarked together going over the website gathering necessary things we needed.

So we all kept talking and packed and packed and packed until May 20th arrived. The first day of the next seven months of adventures we would each have. Both with each other and apart.

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